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Origami Angel - Kobayashi Maru
Map Leaderboard on ScoreSaber

Origami Angel - Kobayashi Maru

Tech Acc

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Player NameTime SetAccuracyAPScore
#251ちゃーず's profileちゃーず1 month ago96.05%556.86475,523
#252Tindux's profileTindux1 year ago95.97%548.96475,103
#253Luis99523's profileLuis995235 months ago95.88%541.24474,689
#254Lucas's profileLucas1 year ago95.7%524.34473,764
#255Shiokarai's profileShiokarai2 months ago95.66%521.56473,611
#256Riley's profileRiley1 year ago95.38%496.25472,187
#257jh284732843849 months ago94.89%454.48469,764
#258IonEwe02's profileIonEwe021 year ago94.22%399.27466,466
#259popi's profilepopi4 months ago93.24%339.1461,595
#260GoodOldNervy's profileGoodOldNervy1 year ago90.65%329.67448,771
#261Heggo's profileHeggo3 months ago86.66%315.19429,051
#262taka185's profiletaka18510 months ago81.74%297.29404,693
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